cryptomonKeys - NFT Play to Earn Game
cryptomonKeys - Freely Distributed Meme Rich NFTs

cryptomonKeys Update #23 - monKeymining, monKeymiles & monKeyslots

posted on 2021-06-18

cryptomonKeysis a freely distributed, community-driven, meme-rich digital trading card series based on NFT technology, here to disrupt the meme economy. Yes, cryptomonKeys are entirely distributed for free, through NFT giveaways and events running regularly on social media, especially on the cryptomonKeys Discord server!

Here’s an updated overview about how to get cryptomonKeys NFTs for free, and a detailed recap of the latest rounds of monKeymining (Earn cryptomonKeys by Playing Alien Worlds) and monKeymiles (Earn cryptomonKeys by Playing Upland).  Read up all details here